Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rest Day/Make Up


brumm said...

no rest for me:

Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:

15 Pull-ups
15 Ring push-ups
15 Deadlifts 95#
15 Sit-ups

5 full rounds

Clint said...

Hey Brumm, you've gotten in really good shape over the last few months / years. Your WOD times are impressive and you're obviously dedicated. How much weight have you lost doing these types of workouts? What do you weigh now?

brumm said...

to tell you the truth, i haven't weighed myself in a while. i usually go by how my clothes fit. i haven't been as disciplined as a need to be (with food), so i probably haven't lost as much weight as i should have, but i see and feel differences for sure since joining PSG.

i really need to buckle down and keep my piehole shut on the weekends - that's what really kills my progress.