Monday, January 19, 2009

Rest Day/Make Up

Jolie Gentry, 2007 CF Games Champion


brumm said...

i did yesterdays WOD:

For Time:


Handstand push-ups
Ring dips


i don't have rings, so i used big plastic paint buckets - about 24" above ground - with my feet propped up on a table. that's probably why i got through it a lot faster.

nonetheless my shoulders and triceps are done dee.

Clint said...

A few of us at The Shop did last Tuesday's WOD:

95lb Thrusters
35lb swings
24" box jumps

Andy: 12:40
Blain: 7:38
Clint: 7:26
Scott: 14:27

It's killer to say the least. I couldn't believe how difficult everything was during that round of 10. I was surprised how much trouble the box jumps and burpees gave me, usually a strong point for me but not in that context

Clint said...

My "students" are making huge gains, FAST. It's getting pretty competitive in a good way. I'll have to start doing more things right if I want to keep an edge over Matt and Blain.