Monday, September 14, 2009


Three rounds for time:

Run 400 meters
35 # Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups


Clint said...

Any plans on getting a 24kg?

I know it's $100 that we all need right now but I'm a little surprised you don't have one.

Helen is tough no matter what but when I did it as rx'd the swings were what drained me.

Matthew Crouch MD said...


Matthew Crouch MD said...

good one

Bruce said...

Nice work Matt!

brumm said...

i had to sub pushups for pullups. i don't have a way to do pullups at my new house yet..


goob said...


D* said...

9:38. Not sure on exact distance of run, but around 400. Subbed dumbbell for kettleball.

first time I got all sets of 12 unbroken on pullups. Thanks for teaching the kip, Bruce!

Bruce said...

I have a feeling G00B did this with a 55# KB.

Bruce said...

Nice work D!

Clint said...

Helen Hurts