Thursday, June 25, 2009


Shoulder Press




D* said...


D* said...

Dang, two times in a row I was only poster.

Come on guys, give me some numbers. I get destroyed everytime in any workout that has pullups or 400's. Let me win one every now and then.

Clint said...

Good Job man!
I did this one a few weeks ago and 165 is the most I could get so you can put me behind you on this one

I get confused on how we post these, did you get 185 or does the (x) mean you failed at 185?

I am curious how Goob and Bruce did on this???

D* said...

X means I failed. I assumed that is what Bruce was doing as well. My 175 to your 165 is not that impressive, my body weight is 200 today. You are kicking my ass pound for pound.

But, I will take a win where I can get one!:)

Clint said...

I bet you aren't even trying to lose weight. Funny how Crossfit will change your body composition. It's generally too hard to eat bad food if you're going as fast as you can during the wods. I bet you'll bet down to the low 190's by the Fall.

Those pullups and runs will be a whole lot easier then.

D* said...

I ran a half marathon in April in 7:55 mile pace. But, I haven't done much sprint work since college, that is why the 400's kill me. I've always been horrible at pullups, but Crossfit is improving me quickly. Don't know about the low 190's, I didn't lose an ounce during half marathon training. I just ate more!

Bruce said...

125-135(x)-135 PR!-135(x)-135-135(x)-125

brumm said...

i did this WOD instead:


burpee hang clean push press @65#
box jumps @ 24"
KB swings @ 35#

i forgot to time, so i just went as fast as i could

goob said...


what does a burpee hang clean push press look like?

brumm said...

it's just like what we did that one time with 25# dumbells but with the bar - wasn't really sure what to call it.