Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Front Squat Push Press, a.k.a. Thrusters


This is a max effort. Goal is the highest load possible without breaking reps, while maintaining proper form and ROM. Rest as needed between sets. Post loads to comments.

Josh Everett On The Games


D* said...

Ouch, I am getting old!

185, 185, 185, 185, 195(3 reps)

Clint said...

Holy Crap!

D* said...

I watched the exercise at Crossfit after I worked out. I was pausing between reps. So, I think I may have done the exercise wrong. Bruce?

Bruce said...

They are sets of 5 reps. You can't drop the bar between reps.

The thruster itself is one fluid movement. From the bottom of the squat you explode and drive the weight overhead. You don't do a front squat then a push press.

Hope that answered your question. I'll make a quick video of a 5 rep set tonight for reference.

D* said...

Cool, that is what I did, I just paused between reps. The guy on the video never paused.

Bruce said...

This WOD isn't for time, so pause all you want.


D* said...

Nice work Bruce. That is pretty impressive for a 160 bodyweight. I couldn't believe how much harder the 5th rep was than the 1st. This is a serious full body lift!