Sunday, June 7, 2009




There is no time component; rest as needed.

Post loads to comments.


goob said...

i love snatch.

brumm said...

especially seven.

Bruce said...


Needs lots of work, gotta get better at pulling under.

Clint said...

Ok, still learning some terminology here. Would that be from the ground, caught in the bottom of an ohs? Then stand up.

Is a "power snatch" the same thing where the depth component is not a factor?

And "hang" before either would mean from a standing position vs. The ground?

Those numbers look pretty good to me. My understanding is that .75 bw is pretty good and that 1.0 x bw would be similar to a 2.0 x bw deadlift. What kind of goal do you have for that lift?

Bruce said...

Mine were full ROM Snatches from the ground to overhead in one motion, caught in full OHS position.

As far as goals, I'm not real sure. I feel like technique is what's holding me back right now. I would LOVE to be able to snatch my body weight!