Friday, June 5, 2009


3 Rounds For Time:

5 Squat Clean and Jerk @ 155#
15 Ring Dips
400m Run


D* said...

Legs like jello on last 400. Brought a friend to workout with me and he said it was insanity. Finished in 18 minutes. Probably took too long of break after the runs, but I was dog tired.

Bruce said...

Bodyweight at 160# today, so putting 155# overhead was daunting to say the least. I beefed it on my second rep (see video) :) Finished strong though, good WOD!

Clint said...

that's a cool video, I really like the editing

if we get our new pullup bars installed tomorrow I'll be doing that one

they'll be outside instead of upstairs so wod's like that and "helen" that involve a 400m run will go a lot smoother without the added distance and flight of stairs to our rack

Bruce said...

You don't need a pullup bar for this one.

But congrats on that!!! Will it have room for several people?

Clint said...

Our rings are currently hung from the rack upstairs instead of from the ceiling like they were a few months back. So, until we get those hung back up we'll be hanging them from the pullup bar(s) like you do.

We're going to have room for at least two to go at the same time, I'm hoping three. 1 1/4" pipe, treated 6 x 6 x 12's buried 3', about 4' apart. If all goes as plan we'll have a 96" height on all 2 or 3 "stations".

Clint said...

are those bumpers?

Bruce said...

115# in bumpers.

Clint said...

it seemed to be clanging like the sound of some traditional metal plates

Bruce said...

That was the additional 40# of metal plates.