Monday, March 9, 2009


Complete as many rounds as you can in twenty minutes of:

5 Handstand Push-ups
10 L Pull-ups
15 Steps, Walking Lunge


Clint said...

6 full rounds + 4 "L" pullups
finished the 7th round in 22:02

HSPU were no problem. I kicked up on a wall and went top of head to lockout for 5 unbroken on each round.

"L" pullups were a different story. I was unable to make my body into an "L" after the first 10 but I did keep my feet above my butt with a bend in the knee. I guess you could call them "tucked" pullups.

Good WOD. Perfect for today.

brumm said...

8 full rounds + 5 HSPUs and 10 L pullups

5 unbroken reps of HSPUs on each round.

i also had to do the "tucked" pullups

Bruce said...

7 Rounds + 5 HSPUs

Same story here. L pullups were a problem, form got ugly. I switched to an underhand grip, which seemed to help for some reason...