Friday, April 17, 2009


Shoulder Press



Clint said...


What should a person shoot for relative to bodyweight? I have no idea if I did anygood.

I weighed 168.2 last Saturday and 178.2 this morning. No beer but a lot of pizza and icecream.

165 was a fight on the standing press and went up REAL SLOW but I got it.

brumm said...

i need to get plates, so i did barbell complex:

@65#, 85#, 95#, 95#

then i did the shoulder press @ 95# all the way through

Bruce said...


I missed 145 several times.

The 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 format is a 1 rep max. So your warm up reps shouldn't count in your 7 reps.

I'd say 165 is pretty damn good!

Bruce said...

video up, pretty lame.

Clint said...

did I do it wrong? I don't fully understand the format. I did fail at 170. I'm confused.

Bruce said...

If your one rep max is 165, your 7 reps should all be close to that. 105#-135# couldn't have been much of a challenge for you, probably should have just chalked those up as warm up.

Basically you want the 7 heaviest reps you can muster. But your not limited to 7 reps. Make sense?

Clint said...

I think I get it now. I did 45 x 10, 65 x 8, and 95 x 2 as a warm up before starting in on the singles @ 105.

Regardless of how a person warms up the 7 sets of 1 should have looked something more like 145-155-165-165-155-165-165 for me with a few failures at 170 mixed in.

The actual "wod" is to do 7 1RM attempts, correct? Is rest a factor at all? How long is a person to rest before the next attempt? a few minutes?