Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Bruce has graciously asked me to post daily on the paperstreet blog. I tend to do a scaled version of the mainsite WOD. I'm doing a little catch-up because I was travelling yesterday. I'll be doing Monday's mainsite WOD tonight and pulling a double day tomorrow.

As you may know I'm a relative Crossfit novice. Before Crossfit, I made every excuse in the world not to workout and I ate like a pig. My fitness background was absolutely zero before crossfit unless you count 8th grade football. In May 2009, I had the absolute pleasure of Bruce and CoyP introducing me to Crossfit. I've been doing 3 on 1 off for a little over a year and have made some significant gains in strength and conditioning. I eat about 90% paleo and I have lost about 45lbs on the program. I do almost all my WODs at night after my kids are in bed. I have gradually amassed weights, kettlebells, pullup bar, jumprope, parallettes, and I do all my training out of my garage by myself.


For time:
run 1200 m
63 KB swings 35lb
36 pullups
run 800m
42 KB swings 35lb
24 pullups
run 400m
21 KB swings 35lb
12 pullups