Sunday, February 21, 2010



For Time:


95 pound Thruster (Women 65)


Matthew Crouch MD said...

Annie 25:40

Matthew Crouch MD said...

Oops- I did Angie
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 squats
100 situps

Can't ever remember which is which.

Clint said...

been considering fran for the last two weeks or so

it's tough though to imagine doing fran right now, today was my 5th intentional day of rest from workouts so that would be a positive, it was also the last day of ignoring the nutrition factor for quite some time (a month or more?).

maybe i should just get it over and do Fran tomorrow and just to see how much it matters, do it again in a month after dropping 10lbs.

sorry, just thinking out loud here. "Fran" brings about mixed feelings and makes me really take a look at what i'm doing, right and wrong.

good luck Bruce! i'm excited to see how it goes for you. can't remember your pr but i think you're trying to go sub 4:00. i bet you get it this time!

Bruce said...

I actually did something else yesterday. I'm gonna wait 'til Doc Crouch and I can get together. I may actually need medical attention afterwards :)

Matthew Crouch MD said...

subbed shoptopeka wod from 2/16/10:

4 minutes for max rounds of:
5 push press @ 95
10 burpees

- 1 min rest -

4 minutes for max rounds of:
5 chest to bar pullups
10 swings @ 35lb

- 1 min rest -

4 minutes for max rounds of:
5 chair dips
10 KB thrusters @ 35lb

4rounds + 3 thrusters

Matthew Crouch MD said...

5 rounds mtnathlete barbell complex 95lbs for time

Matthew Crouch MD said...

Rest Day tomorrow. Just finished 7 day cycle. I forgot to rest last Saturday and I am feeling it.

Clint said...

ended up doing this on 2.26.10
4:17 pr