Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rest Day


brumm said...

death by pushup

15 rounds

Clint said...

Brumm -
You're not that far away from Topeka. You should consider coming over for The Shop games in the middle of January.

It would be a good experience to get in that competitive atmosphere. It might be just what you need to raise the motivation level (both before and after the event). I know it's working for me right now.

brumm said...

i know it's hard to keep the fire when you're by yourself.

Matthew Crouch MD said...

Complete 5 rounds of:

On the bar, from dead hang, raise legs overhead to inverted with body as straight as possible, head toward ground, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps per round

45 Push-ups per round


Matthew Crouch MD said...

using 35#KB for time:
20 right arm KB swings
100 SUs
20 left arm KB swings
100 SUs
20 right arm KB high pulls
100 SUs
20 left arm KB high pulls
100 SUs
20 right arm KB cleans
100 SUs
20 left arm KB cleans
100 SUs
20 right arm KB clean and press
100 SUs
20 left arm KB clean and press
100 SUs
20 right arm KB snatches
100 SUs
20 left arm KB snatches
100 SUs


Matthew Crouch MD said...

Crossfit endurance added on today:

treadmill 8mph ; 10% incline
8 rounds of 20 sec run 10 sec rest