Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rest Day


324 said...

Site looks good! Keep it up.

D* said...

I had my weights classes do a workout kind of like Fight Gone Bad today- 3 rounds- 30 second goes, 10 seconds rest, for 4 different exercises.

I should have video taped it, it was awesome...had 60 kids working at the same time and actually working hard. There was no talking allowed or I started the work over. Nothing like the clank of weights and grunts of work!

We are going to start doing a Crossfit type workout once a week to supplement our traditional lifting schedule.

Bruce said...

Gracias CF324!

brumm said...


burpee hang clean pushpress @ 25# dbs
box jumps
KB swings

don't know if that's what you call them but they were like mr. spectaculars except you start off with a pushup like a burpee with the dumbbells in your hands.