Wednesday, December 30, 2009


3 RDs for total number of reps

2 minutes on of:
FTB (Feet to Bar)
Double Unders
with a 2 minute rest between each round

So 2 minutes of FTB immediately followed by 2 minutes of DU's, then 2 minutes of rest. Repeat 3 times.


Matthew Crouch MD said...

AMRAP 10 min
5 Curtis P
10 burpees

3 rounds plus 2 Curtis P's


Matthew Crouch MD said...

Ftb and dus- 56 and 63

2min sus-224

Matthew Crouch MD said...

Barbara 44:38

Clint said...

I'm honestly scared of Barbara and unfortunately I believe I have a date with her in the near future.

Matthew Crouch MD said...

using 35#KB for time:
20 right arm KB swings
100 SUs
20 left arm KB swings
100 SUs
20 right arm KB high pulls
100 SUs
20 left arm KB high pulls
100 SUs
20 right arm KB cleans
100 SUs
20 left arm KB cleans
100 SUs
20 right arm KB clean and press
100 SUs
20 left arm KB clean and press
100 SUs
20 right arm KB snatches
100 SUs
20 left arm KB snatches
100 SUs
